Arkansas High Class of 1962

We need your help in locating these class members. If you have any information on any of them please send it to or We need to get information to them on the 53 Year Class Reunion. We will keep this list updated so check back often.

Don Cook
Sue [Longan] Skinner
Robert Elmore
Paul D. Medley
Milburn Franklin Fowler
Richard Earl Miller
Stanley W. (Stan) Gerrald
Sandy [Powell] Rhodes
Pearl [Gill] Bridges
Elizabeth A. (Anne) [Rankin] Payne
Jerry Green
Nancy Sue (Suzie) [Smith] Jones
Kathy [Gross] Montgomery
Nancy Sue (Suzie) [Smith] Jones
Carolyn [Hayes] Hale
Mike Strahan
James Lavender
Phyllis [Stroud] Kingrey
Bennie [Lee] Bruce
Stevie B. Torrans
Bobby Long